A dying man writes to dying men

Mark Ashton, whose death we reported last week, wrote a book about life since he was diagnosed with cancer that is a real corker. It’s called On my way to heaven: Facing death with Christ, and costs about $3, depending on the exchange rate the day you buy. Here are some extracts:

‘God has done all things well, and I believe He is doing this thing well too. He is taking me back to Himself when I have all my faculties, when I am still active in ministry, when my family have reached independence with their own spouses and careers, and when my wife still has the energy and vitality to face a new life-stage…

‘I can now see that much of what I have striven for and much of what I have allowed to fill my life these 40 years have been of dubious value. I am not now going to gain any further reputation or achieve anything more of significance, and I realise how little that matters. As I start to clear up my effects, I recognise how I have allowed them to clutter my life and how little I have actually needed them…

‘While physical things spoil and go dim, spiritual things grow brighter and clearer. I see my sin very clearly. I see how much it still controls my life. I think how little time I have got left to make further progress against my pride, my irritability, my grumpiness, my selfishness. I need to keep short accounts now, because I may never have time to make amends or apology in this life…

‘The Bible speaks to me with ever greater authority and relevance. Each day as I open it, God speaks straight into my heart by his Word. And it tells me of what lies beyond this life. I can see the end of life. It looms over the horizon, and I am encouraged to think it will not now be long before I am there.’

Not on Amazon, but you can order a copy here.